Jan 10, 2014 Pull requests are fantastic Creating a workflow that suits you When starting to create your workflow, you should think about and enumerate your needs. that were dictated by the tools we use (mainly Atlassian Stash). Stash plugin for slack notifications about pull requests and push activity. Feb 20, 2015 Here at Pragmatic You need to create an incoming web hook in Slack. Jul 30, 2014 Here on the Stash team, we know how valuable pull requests are, because you can quickly create a pull request with just a click of a button.
Feb 5, 2014 I. ve not been happy with our Jenkins continuous build setup for a while. and we use Atlassian Stash to review pull requests before merging. Jan 28, 2014 Sometimes we may need to fetch Pull-Requests from Stash so we can test/review them. Create POST requests with PHP Headers >.
Apr 26, 2014 Though there are solutions to configure predefined Pull Request reviewers for a project in Stash, this might become handy for people without. Jun 25, 2014 Sometimes after a pull request is merged, one of these testing levels fails, need to do is find the merge commit that the green button created.
Stash plugin for slack notifications about pull requests and
Sep 16, 2013 We wanted to make it easier than ever to create pull requests straight from Personal repositories are now supported for Stash in hosted. Apr 24, 2013 Code Collaboration with Git + Stash + Bamboo. use Pull Reques what do you think create. 31. use Pull Reques what do you think invite.
Supporting code review with Maven, Git, Jenkins and Atlassian
Mar 22, 2014 Should we be switching to Stash Pull Requests scm choice), and only from a single repo local to the Stash server you create the request on. Feb 6, 2013 This will drastically improve the workflow since we no longer have to manually create a local branch of the pull request, check it, build it and. Jan 26, 2013 GitHub recently started publishing all pull request as special git refs. your fetched remote branches refs/tags/{tagname} - all tags refs/stash - your stash, if you use it. However, if you create a local mirror of a GitHub repo, i. e.
Now to start making changes cleanly to make a pull request with it you need to Note For the Windows GUI stash or Reset Stuff you can look to the bottom of the guide then choose oy or the remote you just created then ok. Sep 21, 2013 More importantly, it handles the pull request work flow with However, using another build you can publish build results to Stash pull requests.
The diff view options and commenting make it easy to create pull requests, get FYI the latest version of Stash allows comments on specific files and commits.
Software Production Engineering: Code Review Tools - Stash
When the team decide to accept and merge your pull request, whose job is it to update and Automatically transition linked JIRA Issues to new Issue statuses on Opening, Rejecting or Merging Pull Requests from within Stash. Created by. Let. s create a new repository to share our project code with. Pull Requests can either come from a branch in a fork of your repository or they can come from. We are using Stash to assign a reviewer when we create a pull request to merge back into the parent branch (usually develop but for subtasks.
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