tirsdag 28. juli 2015

Lineage 2 interlude id npc

//Polymorph character npc id./polymorph item id to poly target into id./polyself Used to polymorph yourself into a mob./unpolyself Returns you to the normal. Be difference in data. Interlude knowledgebase (russian interface only) You can find Holy Pommander skills in 2-nd profession skills on level 76. 04.06.2011. May 2, 2007 DELETE FROM npc WHERE id = 30976. INSERT INTO npc VALUES (30976 executor485: Posts: 2: Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:53 am.

Полное русское описание всех NPC и монстров Lineage 2, все хроники, картинки, квесты, прохождение, дроп, споил, рейдбоссы, статьи, мнения. пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ Lineage 2. Зарегистрироваться./ list_spawns Lists all the spawns for the specified NPC ID./admin_gmliston (To add Gm.

NPCs. Veteran Ascalon. Trader Alexandria. Grand Master Angus. Guard Atanas. Priest Bandellos. Guard Belton. Gatekeeper Clarissa. If you don. t have Lineage II Game INTERLUDE Client, You can download the For ACCOUNT CREATION GO TO: http://l2.czechgamers. net/page. phpid=1 2.

Lineage Database L2J. RU: Main

14 Posts. E ai galera! tem como mandar para o meu mail os id dos mobs! e dos NPC. Esqueci de dizer q eh Lineage 2 Interlude! tongue. Local destinado a conteudos exclusivamente ao Lineage 2 Oficial(in game). OBS O assunto aqui. Conheca o mais novo projeto Interlude da atualidade. Equipe C GradeB GradeA GradeS Grade Trade Adena in Npcs. 284 Cliques.

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Por padrao, inicialmente um castelo e ocupado por NPCs. Quando um cla vence uma siege dos defensores do castelo, o cla passa a controlar a regiao e residir. Npc ID, Item ID, Skill id suzinojimas Atsibodo internete ieskoti tonos sarasu No nobless quest, [1252]. Interlude skills fix, [1245] Sitie failai, nesvarbu ar C1 ar Gracia, randasi Lineage2 direktorijoje, system aplanke, mums prireiks triju. 7 Oct 2009 Todo para jugar l2 (lineage II), cheats, walkers, exploits, parches, l2phx, phx, clickers, l2control, tutoriales, guias, walker ogg, oog, IG etc. con hellbound, interlude, gracia final etc. ID de NPC SKILL y ITEM l2. Muy util para.

Insert into droplist (mobId, itemid, chance, min, max, category) select id, 4037, 1000000 1 1 52 from npc where type=.L2Monster. //Spawn - Tworzy npc na lokacji, w ktorej znajduje sie GM (//spawn x-id npc)/ spawn_monster -,- (//spawn_monster x-id npc)/spawn_index.

«Hellsing Hat» — анимационный головной убор Lineage 2 Interlude Команда «AvengersTeam» Баффер для вашего питомца (id npc 40007) - NPC для.

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NPC: Warehouse Keeper Sorint Localizacion: Hunters Village Recompensa: Armor, weapon, or jewelry of choice. Repetible: Si Razas: Todas Clases: Todas. Feb 10, 2015 To learn a skill from an NPC, you need to have a special certificate. You need to switch to a subclass to get a certificate to learn a skill. You can. Join today our Lineage II Private Server with unique subclass stacking system!.

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